Requirements to become an Advocate:
Be at least 21 years of age.
Attend pre-service training totaling 33 hours.
Attend in-service education and on-going training as scheduled, with a required minimum attendance of 12 hours per calendar year.
Commit to at least one year of service, or until safety and permanency are established for the child(ren).
Commit to and sign a Statement of Commitment.
Consent to all requested background checks. All background checks must be cleared prior to Swear-In.
In-service Responsibilities:
Sign a Certificate of Acceptance upon assignment of each case. A copy will be furnished to the Volunteer.
Following case acceptance from a CASA Staff, meet with the Family Service Worker through the Department of Child(ren)ren Services (DCS) to initiate involvement and obtain all necessary records concerning the child(ren) and family. Continually review and research case information throughout the life of the case.
Complete in-home visit with the child(ren) monthly or as agreed with CASA Staff and monitor the placement. Observe where the child(ren) sleep at each visit and speak with the child(ren) one-on-one, if permitted.
Meet with the parents or originating custodians.
Appear and actively participate in case staffing, family team meetings, Court hearings, school-related meetings, etc.
Establish a positive rapport with the child(ren) and all other parties in the case.
Assess the child(ren)’s physical, mental, behavioral and educational needs.
Observe parent-child(ren) interactions.
Monitor adherence to court orders to ensure compliance.
Identify needs of the child(ren) and family and advocate for services (make referral recommendations as needed).
Stay abreast of the most up-to-date case information.
Check for accountability in service planning and delivery for the child(ren) and family to ensure quality.
Document all activities, and accurately take note of any concerns, progress, or lack thereof.
Identify resources and informal supports within the child(ren)’s family and help build/maintain connections.
Facilitate communication among parties while maintaining confidentiality.
Submit required Court reports and case updates on or before the specified due date.
Monitor compliance with Court timelines to expedite permanency.
Maintain consistent contact with the CASA Volunteer Coordinator or Supervisor (at least monthly).
Complete a minimum of 12 hours of In-class training each year, including but not limited to Title VI training.
The Advocate DOES NOT:
Fail to report any incident of child(ren) abuse or neglect to the CASA supervisor and appropriate authorities;
Take the child(ren) into their home;
Transport the child(ren);
Give legal advice or therapeutic counseling;
Make placement arrangements for the child(ren);
Give money or expensive gifts to the child(ren) or family;
Become involved in a case where the volunteer is related to any parties involved, knows the child(ren) or family intimately, or is employed in a position and/or agency that may result in a conflict of interest in the case.